IGF-2 is required for the development of anterior neural structures during gastrulation and plays an anti-apoptotic role during segmentation. (A,C) Control morpholino injected embryos show normal pax6.2 and rx3 expression. (B,D) IGF-2(a+b) morphant embryos show reductions in pax6.2 and rx3 expression. (E) Embryos injected with control morpholinos show low levels of apoptosis during zebrafish segmentation. (F) Knockdown of igf-2a and igf-2b results in an increase in apoptosis in the anterior region of the embryo and in the developing spinal cord. Frequency of embryos displaying this staining pattern; B, 14/ 32; D, 22/40; F, 17/28. (A-D) are views of the future anterior region; (E,F) are lateral views.