Sim1 is coexpressed with dlx2a and expressed along the border of the nkx2.2a domain in the anterior diencephalon. Coexpression of sim1, dlx2a, nkx2.2a, and itnp mRNA was determined by double label in situ hybridization histochemistry (ISHH). A-H: Dorsal is up and anterior to the left. The age of the embryos is indicated on each panel in hours post fertilization (hpf). The identity and color of the probes are indicated on each panel. All images are merged composites of bright field and epifluorescence images. D, H: The itnp expression domain is indicated by the white arrowhead. C, G: The estimated location of isotocin cells is indicated by the open arrowhead. The location of the optic recess (or) is indicated by a black bar. t, telencephalon; d, diencephalon; m, midbrain; hy, hypothalamus.