Fig. 7

Wullimann et al., 2023 - Genoarchitectonics of the larval zebrafish diencephalon
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Fig. 7

Prethalamic zebrafish gene expression (PTh). Sagittal (a) and four consecutive transverse (b–e) sections emphasize dlx2a expression in PTh (with foxa2, emx2, neurog1 expression). Sagittal (f) and four consecutive transverse (j–g) sections show the expression of various lhx genes in prethalamus compared to adjacent regions (see text). Note shha in ZLI between Th and PTh. Ce, cerebellum; Hy, basal hypothalamus; Nmlf, region of the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle; NIIIm, oculomotor nucleus; P, pallium; Po, preoptic area; Pr, pretectum; PTa, anterior part of posterior tuberculum; PTh, prethalamus; PTp, posterior part of posterior tuberculum; SP, subpallium; TeO, tectum opticum; TLo, torus longitudinalis; ZLI, zona limitans intrathalamica

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