Fig. S6

Boke et al., 2016 - Amyloid-like Self-Assembly of a Cellular Compartment
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Fig. S6

Xvelo Has Unique Properties in Forming a Stable Matrix In Vivo, and Xvelo Self-Assembly Is Specific In Vitro, Related to Figure 6

(A) Internal rearrangement of fluorescent Tia1-GFP and GFP-Dazap1, as well as Xvelo-WT-GFP after photobleaching over time.

(B) The fluorescent recovery of photobleached fluorescent proteins in (A) and two other biological replicates for each are shown by quantification of fluorescence in bleached region over time normalized by an unbleached neighboring region.

(C) Schematic representations of Xvelo, Bucky ball (Buc), FUS and the chimeric proteins Buc(PLD)Xvelo and FUS(PLD)Xvelo after the domain swap.

(D) FUS-WT-GFP, FUS-156E-GFP and Xvelo-WT-RFP were mixed in a high salt, high arginine buffer (500 mM KCl, 300 mM Arginine, 50 mM HEPES, [pH 7.6]). The mixture is then diluted to 100 mM KCl, 30mM Arginine (50 mM HEPES, [pH 7.6]) to initiate the self-assembly/ aggregation reactions. FUS-WT-GFP and FUS-G156E-GFP control reactions were initiated by diluting down the KCL concentration to 100 mM. Note the FUS-WT droplets were smaller in the presence of Arginine.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Cell, 166, Boke, E., Ruer, M., Wühr, M., Coughlin, M., Lemaitre, R., Gygi, S.P., Alberti, S., Drechsel, D., Hyman, A.A., Mitchison, T.J., Amyloid-like Self-Assembly of a Cellular Compartment, 637-50, Copyright (2016) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell