The Zebrafish Science Monitor is no longer published. Past issues are archived here in both HTML and PDF formats.
See Table of Contents for previous issues
Table of Contents - Previous Issues:
Volume 7,
Issue 1, August 14, 2000
- Reduced Levels of Mutant mRNAs in Zebrafish Mutants May Not Be Due to Loss of Positive Autoregulation
- Healthy, Happy Fish: Disease Prevention and Useful Pointers
- To Orthologue or Not to Orthologue, That Is The Question
- What's in a Name?
- Anatomical Nomenclature for Zebrafish
- EB 2001
Volume 6,
Issue 1, December 1, 1999
- BMP Activity Establishes a Gradient of Positional Information Throughout the Entire Neural Plate
- Zebrafish Pathology and Health Services
- The Washington University Zebrafish Genome Resources Project
- Keeping and Breeding Zebrafish (Danio rerio) on Small Scale
- Anterior Movement
of Ventral Diencephalic Precursors Separates the Primordial Eye Field in the Neural Plate
Requires Cyclops - Ventral Diencephalon Precursors Drive Morphogenesis of the Zebrafish Forebrain and Retina
- Dechorionation May Seriously Disturb Zebrafish Development
- The TIGR Zebrafish Gene Index (ZGI): Estimating the Transcript Content of the Danio rerio Genome
- Zebrafish Nomenclature Committee
- A Simple Method for Obtaining Very Young Embryos During an Extended Time Period
- 4th Biennial Meeting on Zebrafish Development & Genetics
- Check
Out These Zebrafish Websites!
Volume 5, Issue
1, June 15, 1998
- Fgf8 Is Mutated in Zebrafish Acerebellar (Ace) Mutants and Is Required for Maintenance of Midbrain-hindbrain Boundary Development and Somitogenesis
- New Method for Mutagenesis of Zebrafish TMP Mutagenesis Procedures Zebrafish Research: Activities at the NIH
- Zebrafish Research: Activities at the NIH
- Biochemical Identification and Tissue-specific Expression Patterns of Keratins in the Zebrafish Danio rerio
- Zebrafish Stock Center Funded
- The Zebrafish Stock Center in Tübingen
- Chamber Volume Requirements for Reproduction of the Zebrafish, Danio rerio
- Coleps, Scourge of the Baby Zebrafish
- High Resolution Whole-Mount in situ Hybridization
- A Putative Pp2c Homologue That Shows Female-specific Expression in the Adult Zebrafish
- Ventral and Lateral Regions of the Zebrafish Gastrula, Including the Neural Crest Progenitors, are Established by a bmp2b/swirl Pathway of Genes
- The ZFIN Database: a Forecast for Good Fishing
- Including Your Record in ZFIN
- Other Zebrafish On-line Resources
Volume 4, Issue
1, June 10, 1996
- Expression Domains of a Zebrafish Homologue of the Drosophila Pair-rule Gene Hairy Correspond to Primordia of Alternating Somites
- A Solution for Delayed in Vitro Fertilization of Zebrafish Eggs
- A Plea for Conventions
- Zebrafish Nomenclature
- Preparation of DNA-NLS Complexes for Microinjection into Fertilized Zebrafish Eggs
- Temperature-Sensitive Mutations That Cause Stage-specific Defects in Zebrafish Fin Regeneration
- Zebrafish Stock Center Planned
- Poster Viewing as a Contact Sport
- Jane Marion Oppenheimer, 1911-1996
- Early Development of Fundulus heteroclitus, Selected References
Volume 3,
Issue 6, December 18, 1995
- Regulative Interactions in Zebrafish Neural Crest
- Minireview: Repeated Sequence Elements in Zebrafish and Their Use in Molecular Genetic Studies
- Whole-mount in situ Hybridization of Thick Tissue Sections
- Construction of Zebrafish Spawning Cages
- How You Can Help Build the Zebrafish Database
- An Economical Zebrafish Genetics Facility
- 1996 Zebrafish Development & Genetics Meeting
- 15TH Annual Singer Symposium: "Models of Regeneration: Lower Versus Higher Vertebrates"
Volume 3, Issue 5, July 24, 1995
- Half- Tetrad Analysis in Zebrafish: Mapping the Ros Mutation and the Centromere of Linkage Group I
- Gene Expression in Teleost Fins and the Origin of Vertebrate Digits
- Electronic Zebrafish
- Keeping and Raising Zebra Fish (Danio rerio) in Tübingen
- As an Alternative Baby Food to Paramecia
- A Conserved Family of ELAV-like Genes in Vertebrates
- Production of Androgenetic Haploids and Diploids
- Delayed in vitro Fertilization of Zebrafish Eggs Using Coho Salmon (Onchorhynchus Kisutch) Ovarian Fluid
- Chromosome Complement, C-, Ag- Nor and Replication Banding in the Zebrafish Danio rerio
- Zebrafish Web Server (South Carolina) Changes
- Fishscope
- Zebrafish Development in Space
- Zebrafish YAC Library?
Volume 3, Issue 4, February 27, 1995
- Intestinal Capillariasis in Zebrafish
- Ectodermal Patterning and Neurogenesis in the Zebrafish
- Holes in the Fish Net?
- High School Instruction Resource List
- Zebrafish Books Temporarily Out of Print But, Update Packets Are Still Available
- Differential Induction of Four msx Homeobox Genes During Fin Development and Regeneration in Zebrafish
- Tetrahymena: An Easy alternative for Paramecia
- Stages of Embryonic Development of the Zebrafish
Volume 3, Issue 3, October 3, 1994
- Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain
- Bionet News Group Established
- Fish 'R Us
- Differentiation Waves
- A Simple and Reliable Protocol for Raising Freshwater Rotifers as Baby Food
- Paramecia Protocol
- Ingression of Deep Cells of the Marginal Region of the Blastoderm During Early Gastrulation of Fundulus heteroclitus
- Publications on Gastrulation in Related Species
Volume 3, Issue 2, June 20, 1994
- Temperature and the Rate of Embryonic Development
- CSH Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics: Synopsis of Community Organizational Session
- Electronic Zebrafish
- Large-Scale Mutagenesis in the Zebrafish: In Search of Genes Controlling Development in a Vertebrate
- A Genetic Linkage Map for the Zebrafish
- Identification of RAPD Primers That Reveal Extensive Polymorphisms Between Laboratory Strains of Zebrafish
- Two Color Whole-Mount in situ Hybridization
- Zebrafish Cancer Research
- Postdoctoral Position
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 10, 1994
- Expression of the Novel Zebrafish Gene hlx-1 in the Prechordal Plate and During Development
- Boston Area Zebrafish Symposium
- E-mail Distribution List
- An Inexpensive and Easy Microinjectioln Embryo-Tray
- Update - Zebrafish Genetics and Development Meeting - Update
- Segment and Cell Type Lineage Restrictions During Pharyngeal Arch Development in the Zebrafish Embryo
- Restriction of Neural Crest Cell Fate in the Trunk of the Embryonic Zebrafish
- Non-Isoptopic in situ Hybridization Procedure for Sectional Material
Volume 2, Issue 4, October 25, 1993
- The Phylogenetic Position of the Zebrafish (Danio rerio). A Model System in Developmental Biology: An Invitation to the Comparative Method
- Editorial: A Matter of Policy
- Zebrafish at the ISDB Meeting
- Characterization of pou Genes in Zebrafish Embryos
- A Genome-Wide Screen for Mutations Affecting Embryonic Develoment in Zebrafish
- Genetic Analysis of Embryonic Pattern Formation in Drosophila melanogaster and the Zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio
- Analysis of Early Fish Development - The Role of Activin-Like Genes
- DNA Uptake From the Yolk Into the Blastomeres in Early Developmental Stages of Fish Embryos
- Genetics of Axis Development in Zebrafish
- Blastema Cells of Regenerating Zebrafish Fins Express msx and distal-less Genes
- Development of Identified Motoneurons in Embryonic Zebrafish
- Mutagenesis and Screen for Embryonic Mutants in the Zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio
- Scales in the Zebrafish, Brachydanio: Cell Orientation and Anisotropic Cell Aggregations May Determin Scale Orientation
- Structure and composition of the Zebrafish Egg Chorion
- Expression of the Xenopus Homeogene xhox3 in Zebrafish Eggs Causes a Disruption of Anterior-Posterior Axis
- Combinatorial Expression of the Three distal-less Genes During Zebrafish Embryonic Development
- Zebrafish Homeodomain Protein isl-1 is Expressed in Primary Neurones Pioneering Axonal Tracts
- Zebrafish RAR's and RXR's: Evolutionary conservation of Structure and Function
- Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Volume 2, Issue 3, August 9, 1993, Eugene, Oregon
- The Ventral and Posterior Expression of the Zebrafish Homeobox Gene eve1 is Perturbed in Dorsalized and Mutant Embryos
- Cardiovascular Development in the Zebrafish: I. Myocardial Fate Map and Heart Tube Formation
- Mark These Dates on Your Calendar!
- Gentle Fixation By Freeze Substituion Gives Excellent Histological Results With Zebrafish Embryos
- Autonomous Expression of the nic1 Acetylcholine Receptor Mutation in Zebrafish Muscle Cells
- A Simplified Ribonuclease Protection Assay for Embryos
- Genomic Library
- Tidbits (Nibbles) on Raising Zebrafish Babies
- Nucleic Acid Extraction Procedure for Zebrafish Embryos
Volume 2, Issue 2, March 1, 1993, Eugene, Oregon
- Zebrafish Codon Usage Table
- Letter to the Editor
- Fish R Us
- New Protocols for Raising Babies
- Expanded Midline Signaling in the Zebrafish Anterior Central Nervous System
- Cell Cycles, Clonal Strings, and the Origin of the Zebrafish Central Nervous System
- Editorial
- Characterization of a Cell Line Derived from Zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) Embryos
- RNA Extraction from Zebrafish Embryos
Volume 2, Issue 1, September 21, 1992
- Our First Open-Invitation Zebrafish Meeting
- Fish R Us
- Naming Genes in Brachydanio rerio
- From the Editor
- Preparation of Genomic DNA
- Efficient Microinjection of Zebrafish Eggs
- Zebrafish Reference Update
- Preparation of RNA from Zebrafish Embryos or Adults
- Rotifers, A Live Food for Zebrafish Fry
- Whole-Mount in situ Hybridizations in Zebrafish Embryos
- A Simple Method to Raise Zebrafish
Volume 1, Issue 4, June 1, 1992
- A Transgene Containing LacZ is expressed in Primary Sensory Neurons in Zebrafish
- Preparation of High Molecular Weight Genomic DNA from Zebrafish
- Photoconversion of Fluorescently Labeled Profiles for EM
- Functional Test of the Ependymin Promotor by Transient Expression in Zebrafish Embryos
- A Zebrafish Notch Homolog is Expressed During Embryogenesis
- Raising Zebrafish Babies Safely and Easily
Volume 1, Issue 3, December 30, 1991
- Purification of Paramecia
- Microworms as a Food Source
- Fish 'R Us
- Raising Paramecia
- Genetic Nomenclature
- Freezing Sperm
Volume 1, Issue 2, August 30, 1991
- Electronic Bulletin Board Turned on in Eugene
- High Frequency Germline Transmission of Plasmid DNA Sequences Injected into Fertilized Zebrafish Eggs
- Western Blots of Zebrafish Embryos
- Preparation of DNA from Embryos for PCR Amplification
- Fish 'R Us
Volume 1, Issue 1, July 1, 1991
- Zebrafish Research Community Starts Talking
- Zebrafish Genome Project
- Bulletin Board Established in Eugene
- Genes and Mutants
- Diversity of Expression of Engrailed-Like Antigens in Zebrafish
- Fish 'R Us