The Zebrafish Science Monitor, Vol 3 (6)
A group of us were appointed at the 1994 Cold Spring Harbor meeting on zebrafish genetics and development, to establish an on-line database of information for zebrafish researchers. We have obtained funding from the National Science foundation and The Zebrafish Database Project is underway. We are currently in the process of implementing the database which will run over the Internet. We need two kinds of help:
1. We ask that you help us with this project by making suggestions for the kinds of data that will be included in the database.
2. We hope you can tell us how you use the current Fish Net WWW server and what sort of things you would like to be able to do with an on-line database.
Please send suggestions to either Monte Westerfield or Wolfgang Driever
Thanks for your help.
People: name, address, lab, phone, fax, email, bio, publications, research interests
Labs: name, location, members, publications, contact person, WWW URL, research interests
Publications: authors, date, title, source, keywords, abstract
Genes: gene name, gene abbreviation, cDNA sequence, cDNA sites, start codon, intron locations, stop location, protein sequence, genomic sequence, GenBank accession #, human homologue, map location, comments, publications
Map markers: marker name, type (gene, SSCP, RAPD, SST), primer sequence, location, map cross, polymorphic stocks and allele sizes, sequence, lab of origin, comments, publications
Stocks: name, lineage, origin, comments, publications
Mutants: name, allele, locus, segregation, map location, chromosome change (Dp, Df, T, In), breakpoints, phenotypes and expressivity, mutagen, genetic background, image, lab of origin, comments, publications
Antibodies: name, type, structures labeled, immunogen, source (person), comments, publications
RNA probes: name, structures labeled, source (person), vectors, sense/antisense sites, enzyme, stages analyzed so far, comments, publications
Developmental Atlas: stage, image, strain, description
Staging series: stage, image, section/orientation, plane, strain, description
Adult Atlas: region/structures, image, strain, description
Images: stage, specimen (section, whole-mount), type (still, movie, optical series, 3-D), orientation, labeling, comments, publications
Anatomical parts: name, abbrevation(s), description, image
Physiological records: kind (current, voltage, optical), record, description, publications
The Zebrafish Science Monitor, Vol 3 (6)
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