The Zebrafish Science Monitor Vol 3(5)
POSITION TO RUN ZEBRAFISH AND XENOPUS FACILITIESA veterinary technician- level position is open at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, to maintain a zebrafish facility (an approximately 500 tank system, designed and installed by Marine Biotech), and a Xenopus colony (approximately 9 large tanks housing about 1000 frogs), used by the research groups of R. Moon and D. Kimelman. Prior experience with zebrafish is an asset, though the primary requirements are a high level of dedication, and a reasonable expectation to remain in this position for several years. Once employed, the person will take courses to be certified as a veterinary technician. Interested individuals should contact Dr. Randall Moon (206- 543-1722) for further details, or submit applications, including telephone numbers for references, to:
Randall Moon
Box 357370
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Zebrafish Science Monitor Vol 3(5)
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