The Zebrafish Science Monitor, Vol 3 (6)
Registration Deadline: February 7, 1995
Abstract Deadline: February 7, 1995
Nigel Holder, King's College LondonNancy Hopkins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Philip Ingham, Imperial Cancer Research Fund
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Max-Planck-Institut Entwicklungsbiologie
Monte Westerfield, University of Oregon
You are cordially invited to participate in the 2nd biennial meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, which will be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The meeting will begin with dinner and the first session on the evening of Wednesday, April 24, and will conclude with lunch on Sunday, April 28. The meeting is devoted to research on zebrafish and will focus on the cellular, molecular, and genetic regulation of embryonic development and growth, with sessions devoted to the following topics and chaired by:
Epiboly and gastrulation: Mary Mullins, Max-Planck-Institut fur Entwicklungsbiologie
Inductive interactions: Christine Thisse, Institut de Genetique et de Biologie, CNRS
Morphogenesis: Charles Kimmel, University of Oregon
Pattern regulation: Denis Duboule, University of Geneva
Neural crest and head development: Judith Eisen, University of Oregon
CNS development: Steve Wilson, King's College London, United Kingdom
Blood, heart, and intermediate mesoderm: Mark Fishman, Massachusetts General Hospital
Genetic mapping and cytogenetics: John Postlethwait, University of Oregon
Gene transfer, gene expression and new methodologies: Nancy Hopkins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The format of the meeting will include morning and evening sessions consisting of short talks, strictly limited to no more than 10 slides and 10 - 15 minutes each including discussion, principally on unpublished work. Oral presentations will be selected by the organizers in consultation with the session chairs from the submitted abstracts. The other submitted abstracts will be presented in poster sessions in the three afternoon sessions. As usual at Cold Spring Harbor meetings, all abstracts of both poster and platform sessions will be published in an abstract book given to all participants.
Abstract and registration materials are available from the address below or can be downloaded or printed from the Cold Springs Harbor WWW site at (under Meetings and Courses). The submission of an abstract is not required for attendance. The abstract deadline is February 7, 1996. In order to make the abstract book more useful, we wish to provide an index. Please choose the three most appropriate keywords and type the corresponding numbers at the bottom of your abstract in a separate area outside the main body of your abstract. We are especially eager to have as many young people as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. To assist them, we have applied for funds from government and industry that we hope will allow us to provide at least partial support for the attendance of graduate students and postdocs.
We look forward to seeing you at Cold Spring Harbor.
For Additional Information, please contact:
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
The Meetings & Courses Office
1 Bungtown Road
PO Box 100
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724-2213
Meetings Phone: 516-367-8346
Fax Number: 516-367-8845
The Zebrafish Science Monitor, Vol 3 (6)
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