The Zebrafish Science Monitor, Vol 3 (6)
15th Annual Singer Symposium on
"Models of Regeneration: Lower Versus Higher Vertebrates"
to be held at
Institute of Child Health, University of London, London, UK
March 21-22, 1996
The 1996 Singer Symposium will be a satellite of two international conferences, "Limb Development and Regeneration" (organized by M. Maden, March 25-28, 1996) and "Regeneration, Growth and Pattern" (Spring Meeting of the British Society for Developmental Biology organized by V. French and J. Slack, March 27-30, 1996) both to be held at the University of York, which is about two and a half hours from London by rail.
The conference format will include 30 minute talks and short platform presentations selected from the submitted abstracts. Abstracts, which will be included in the Abstract Book, must be submitted by the 15th of January 1996 together with the registration form. Registration and poster mounting will be between 1 and 2 pm and the scientific session will start at 2 pm on Thursday 21 March.
Preliminary Programme: Relationship between development and regeneration / CNS regeneration through evolution / Limb and muscle regeneration in lower and higher vertebrates. Speakers will include: H. Wallace (University of Birmingham, UK); R. Nordlander (Ohio State University, USA); B.M. Carlson (University of Michigan, USA); J.P. Brockes (Ludwig Institute London, UK); S. Dunnett (CTR Brain Repair, MRC Cambridge, UK), J.D.W. Clarke (University College London, UK); R. Borgens (Purdue University, USA), J.S. Edwards (University of Washington, USA); A. Forge (Institute of Laringology and Otology, London, UK); K. Muneoka (Tulane University, USA); T.A. Partridge (Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London, UK); H-G Simon (Squibb-Myers, Princeton, USA).
Registration Fees :
A330.00 for members of the Singer Society
A335.00 for non-members
A325.00 for students (evidence of status is required)
Registration covers the two days of the meeting and includes the programme and abstracts, lunch, tea and coffee and reception. Registration and abstract forms can either be supplied by post or by e-mail as attached documents in Word. The number of participants will be limited to 120. I look forward to seeing you in London next spring.
Dr Patrizia Ferretti
Developmental Biology Unit
30 Guilford Street-20
Institute of Child Health
London WC1N 1EH, UK
Tel: (44) 171-829 8894 (direct line) / (44) 171-242 9789 ext. 2215 (dept. secretary)
Fax: (44) 171-831 4366
The Zebrafish Science Monitor, Vol 3 (6)
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