
The mitochondrial transporter SLC25A25 links ciliary TRPP2 signaling and cellular metabolism

Hofherr, A., Seger, C., Fitzpatrick, F., Busch, T., Michel, E., Luan, J., Osterried, L., Linden, F., Kramer-Zucker, A., Wakimoto, B., Schütze, C., Wiedemann, N., Artati, A., Adamski, J., Walz, G., Kunji, E.R.S., Montell, C., Watnick, T., Köttgen, M.
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slc25a25b is required for left?right organ patterning in zebrafish.

(A,B) As a measure for left?right asymmetry, heart looping of slc25a25b-morphant fish was visualized by in situ hybridization for cmlc2. (C) Knockdown of slc25a25b caused randomization of heart looping (slc25a25bMO; *P = 1.1 × 10?34). This phenotype was rescued by injection (+) of slc25a25b mRNA in a concentration-dependent fashion (+slc25a25b). (D-F) southpaw (nodal) expression in 15-somite stage slc25a25b-morphant zebrafish embryos was visualized by in situ hybridization. (G) In contrast to control fish, in which southpaw expression was largely restricted to the left side, slc25a25b-morphant fish showed randomized southpaw expression (*P = 0.00008). Numbers of embryos are indicated above bars. L = left; S = symmetric; R = right. This denomination for heart looping is equivalent to wt d-loop, symmetric no-loop, and reversed, sinistral s-loop [33]. For numerical values, see S1 Data. cmlc2, cardiac myosin light chain 2; hpf, hours post fertilization; wt, wild type.

Knockdown Reagent:
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: 14-19 somites to Long-pec

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Observed In:
Stage: Long-pec

Loss of pkd2 expression in zebrafish caused randomization of left?right patterning.

(A) In situ hybridization of pkd2 mRNA in wild-type zebrafish 24 (B) and 48 hpf. (C,D) Left?right asymmetry was visualized by in situ hybridization for cmlc2 to evaluate heart looping. Knockdown of pkd2 expression caused a randomization of heart looping [25]. cmlc2, cardiac myosin light chain 2; hpf, hours post fertilization.

Loss of slc25a25b expression in zebrafish caused randomization of left?right patterning.

(A) SCaMC has 3 homologs in vertebrates SLC25A23, SLC25A24, and SLC25A25. In zebrafish, these proteins are encoded by slc25a23a, slc25a23b, slc25a24, slc25a25a, and slc25a25b. MO-induced knockdown of slc25a25b caused randomized heart looping in zebrafish (slc25a25bMO; *P = 1.1 × 10?34). (B) Similar to splice-blocking slc25a25bMO, translation-blocking slc25a25bATG MOs induced randomization of heart looping in zebrafish embryos (*P = 3.2 × 10?13). Similar to D. melanogaster (Fig 2E), this phenotype was rescued by injection (+) of human SLC25A25 mRNA in a concentration-dependent fashion (+SLC25A25). (C) In situ hybridization of slc25a25b mRNA in wild-type zebrafish 24 hpf, (D) 48 hpf, and (E) at 10-somite stage. (F) Lateral pancreas placement?visualized by in situ hybridization of preproinsulin (ins)?was altered in slc25a25b morphants, highlighting a general heterotaxy defect 52 hpf (n = 28; left = 10; center = 14; right = 4; in comparison to ControlMO: n = 24; left = 2; center = 10; right = 12; *P = 0.002). Numbers of embryos are indicated above bars. L = left; S = symmetric; R = right. For numerical values, see S1 Data. hpf, hours post fertilization; MO, Morpholino-oligonucleotide; SLC25A25, solute carrier 25 A 25.

Kupffer?s vesicle morphology in control and slc25a25-morphant fish.

Number and overall morphology of cilia in zebrafish Kupffer?s vesicle appeared normal in (A) control and (B) slc25a25b-morphant embryos, as visualized in transgenic arl13bGFP fish (representative images, n ? 20). Scale bars = 10 ?m. slc25a25, solute carrier 25 A 25.

Knockdown Reagent:
Observed In:
Stage: 5-9 somites

Structure and motility of cilia in zebrafish Kupffer?s vesicle appeared normal at the 8-somite stage.

(A) Still image of S2 Movie from Kupffer?s vesicle of pkd2-morphant embryos shows cilia in 1 focal plane. It has been shown previously that knockdown of pkd2 does not affect cilia number and motility [25]. (B) slc25a25b-morphant Kupffer?s vesicle cilia resembled pkd2-morphant cilia in (C) number, (D) beating, and (E) length. Numbers of cilia are indicated in bars. pkd2MO: n = 20; mean number of cilia / Kupffer?s vesicle = 25.05 (standard deviation = 8.69); percentage of beating cilia = 44.525 (standard deviation = 12.55); average length of cilia = 5.05 ?m (standard deviation = 1.33). slc25a25bMO: n = 21; mean number of cilia / Kupffer?s vesicle = 17.32 (standard deviation = 8.2); percentage of beating cilia = 40.154 (standard deviation = 17.5); average length of cilia = 5.77 ?m (standard deviation = 1.61). Similar to (F) wild type, (G) pkd2MO and (H) slc25a25bMO fish generate effective directional flow in the Kupffer?s vesicle as visualized by particle tracking at the 8-somite stage [86,87]. No significant differences were observed in flow velocities (wild type: n = 6; mean velocity = 10.2 ?m/s; standard deviation = 2.4; pkd2MO: n = 9; mean velocity = 10.4 ?m/s; standard deviation = 2.2; slc25a25bMO: n = 10; mean velocity = 7.9 ?m/s; standard deviation = 2.2). Scale bars = 20 ?m. For numerical values, see S1 Data.

slc25a25b acts upstream of the southpaw (nodal) cascade.

(A-C) southpaw expression in pkd2-morphant zebrafish embryos. Loss of pkd2 caused left?right randomization of southpaw expression. southpaw mRNA in 15-somite stage zebrafish embryos was visualized by in situ hybridization. (D) Comparison of southpaw expression patterns in control and pkd2-morphant (*P = 0.0005) zebrafish. (E-G) Expression of dand5 in 6-somite stage slc25a25b-morphant zebrafish embryos. Asymmetry of dand5 expression was impaired in 6-somite slc25a25b-morphants (wild type: n = 27; left = 4; symmetric = 11; right = 12; ControlMO: n = 28; left = 5; symmetric = 12; right = 11; slc25a25bMO: n = 18; left = 10; symmetric = 5; right = 3; in comparison to ControlMO *P = 0.03) as well as in (H) 8-somite slc25a25b-morphants (*P = 0.007). (I,J) lefty2 expression in slc25a25b-morphant zebrafish embryos 22 hpf. (K) lefty2 expression was randomized in pkd2- and slc25a25b-morphant zebrafish (*P = 2.2 × 10?12 and *P = 3.4 × 10?8, respectively). Numbers of embryos are indicated above bars. L = left; S = symmetric; R = right. For numerical values, see S1 Data. hpf, hours post fertilization.

Knockdown Reagent:
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: 5-9 somites to 26+ somites
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