Transgenic Construct


Previous Names
  • Tg(zfSWS1-5.5A:EGFP) (1)
Regulatory Regions
Coding Sequences
[Em λ][Ex λ]
Contains Sequences
Plasmid Map
Genomic Features
That Utilize Tg(-5.5opn1sw1:EGFP) Construct
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
That Utilize Tg(-5.5opn1sw1:EGFP) Construct
Fish Affected Genomic Regions Phenotype Gene Expression
c264Tg; kj9Tg; ua3016Tg
3 figures with image from Fraser et al., 2013 3 figures with image from Fraser et al., 2013
cfap20ua5025/ua5025; kj9Tg (AB) Fig. S10 from Chrystal et al., 2022 Fig. S10 from Chrystal et al., 2022
fl1Tg; kj9Tg
foxd1cbm22/cbm22; kj9Tg Fig. 2. with image from Hernández-Bejarano et al., 2022 Fig. 2. with image from Hernández-Bejarano et al., 2022
gdf6as327/s327; kj9Tg 2 figures from Nadolski et al., 2020 2 figures with image from 2 publications
gdf6as327/s327; kj9Tg; mi2007Tg Fig. S4 from Nadolski et al., 2020
gdf6as327/s327; kj9Tg; ua3011Tg Fig. 4 with image from Duval et al., 2014 Fig. 4 with image from Duval et al., 2014
gdf6as327/s327; kj9Tg; ua3011Tg; ua3113Tg Fig. 4 with image from DuVal et al., 2018
kj19dTg; kj9Tg
13 figures with image from 10 publications
kj9Tg (AB)
Fig. S10 from Chrystal et al., 2022
kj9Tg (WIK)
Figure 2 with image from Oel et al., 2020
kj9Tg; mi2007Tg
9 figures with image from 3 publications
kj9Tg; mi2007Tg + MO1-opn1sw1
Fig. 9 from Yoshimatsu et al., 2014 Fig. 9 from Yoshimatsu et al., 2014
kj9Tg; mi2007Tg + MO2-thrb
Fig. 5 from Yoshimatsu et al., 2014 Fig. 5 from Yoshimatsu et al., 2014
kj9Tg; pt407Tg
Fig. 6 from Bai et al., 2009
kj9Tg; q27Tg
Fig. 8 from Yoshimatsu et al., 2014
kj9Tg; q30Tg
Fig. 6 from Noel et al., 2017 Fig. 6 from Noel et al., 2017
kj9Tg; ua3011Tg
7 figures with image from 2 publications
kj9Tg; ua3011Tg; ua3113Tg
2 figures with image from DuVal et al., 2018
kj9Tg; ua3135Tg; ua3136Tg
Fig. 7 from Noel et al., 2017
mpv17a9/a9; kj9Tg Fig. 4 from Yoshimatsu et al., 2014
pals1am520/m520; kj9Tg Fig. 2 with image from Zou et al., 2012
tbx2bc144/c144; kj9Tg 3 figures with image from Raymond et al., 2014 4 figures with image from Raymond et al., 2014
tbx2bc144/c144; kj9Tg; mi2007Tg Fig. 6 with image from Raymond et al., 2014 3 figures with image from Raymond et al., 2014
tbx2bp25bbtl/p25bbtl; kj9Tg Fig. 4 with image from Duval et al., 2014 Fig. 4 with image from Duval et al., 2014
tbx2bp25bbtl/p25bbtl; kj9Tg; mi2007Tg 3 figures from 2 publications 3 figures from 2 publications
Sequence Information
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