Fig. 2

Tuttle et al., 2024 - Single-cell analysis of Rohon-Beard neurons implicates Fgf signaling in axon maintenance and cell survival
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Fig. 2

Marker expression for individual RB neuron subpopulations is largely exclusive. A,B, Lateral view of triple fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in RB:GFP+ RB neurons in a single 72 hpf larva. A, RNAscope for kitb (magenta arrowheads), adcyap1a (cyan arrowheads), and calca (green arrowheads), and (B) prickle1a (green arrowheads), tmem178 (cyan arrowheads), and runx3 (magenta arrowheads) mark largely nonoverlapping sets of RBs. C,D, Summed counts of RB markers from the triple FISH experiments. Scale bar = 50 μm.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

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