Fig. 2

Dieris et al., 2024 - Calcium imaging of adult olfactory epithelium reveals amines as important odor class in fish
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Fig. 2

Odor-induced activity for two stimuli classes, amines, and nucleotides. Fluo4-loaded olfactory epithelium slice (a), fluorescence is averaged over complete experiment, dashed box is shown magnified in (e). Correlation maps for similarity in fluorescence changes upon stimulation (bd). The degree of correlation of fluorescence changes after stimulation in neighboring pixels is shown in grey scale (bd). The slice is stimulated with 100 μM amine mixture in ACSF (b), 10 μM ATP in ACSF (c), and high K+(d). E Overlay of correlation maps for amine mixture (green) and ATP (magenta) responses. ROIs for quantitative evaluation are shown with solid (amine mixture) or dashed (ATP) enclosure (e). Note that amines and ATP activate different subsets of cells in the olfactory epithelium. Traces for cells identified as ATP-responsive (f, g, h, i, magenta) and as amine-responsive (f', g', h', i', green). Note that only amine-responsive cells respond to high K+

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