Fig. 5

Dieris et al., 2024 - Calcium imaging of adult olfactory epithelium reveals amines as important odor class in fish
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Fig. 5

Spatial distribution of amine-responding cells equals that of OMP-positive cells. Representative half-lamella segments of olfactory epithelium (a, a', a''), basal is down, apical (toward lumen) is up. PCNA, IHC staining (a); OMP (a') and TRPC2 (a''), transgene labeling. PCNA and TRPC2 signal are depicted in false color. Scale bars 10 μm. Laminar height within the lamella (b) is determined as the distance from the basal lamina to cell soma center (hi) divided by the total laminar height h0 at that position and is depicted as empirical cumulative distribution function for five cell populations: ATP, ATP-responsive cells in calcium imaging; PCNA, PCNA-immunoreactive cells; Amine, amine-responsive cells in calcium imaging; OMP, OMP-transgene; TRPC2, TRPC2 transgene. Note that occasionally PCNA+ cells with neuronal morphology are observed (a, asterisk), these are most likely immature neurons that still retain some PCNA protein. The inset in (b) shows the schematical cell shapes for progenitor cells (PCNA+), ciliated (OMP+), and microvillous (TRPC2+) neurons. Mean laminar height (c) for the five cell populations depicted in (b), color code as for (b). Error bars depict SEM. Amine responses are distinctly and significantly different from both PCNA and TRPC2-expressing cells, but appear identical to OMP-expressing cells. **p < 10–7; ***p < 10–15

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