Fig 5

Walker et al., 2023 - Target-selective vertebrate motor axon regeneration depends on interaction with glial cells at a peripheral nerve plexus
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Fig 5

Schwann cells instruct axonal regrowth.

(A) Pre-transection maximum projection of axons labeled with Tubb:dsRed and Schwann cells labeled with 37a> EGFP. Boxed inset outlines the region shown in B. DP labels the dorsal plexus. (B) Timelapse imaging captures pioneer axons (arrows) navigating a choice point. Axons remain tightly associated with Schwann cell membranes. (C) Maximum projections of abductor-specific innervation labeled with zCrest:GFP in animals that also express 37a> NTR-tagRFP before injury and at 2 dpt. The addition of ronidazole ablated Schwann cells. (D) Maximum projection and traces of mistargeted zCrest:GFP-labeled axons on the adductor muscle in 37a> NTR-tagRFP animals treated with ronidazole or control. (E) Quantification of total amount of mistargeted zCrest:GFP+ axon growth on adductor muscle. Data points labeled with hollow circles denote the examples shown in D. Data are represented as mean ± SD. *p < 0.05, ns = not significant. One way ANOVA. Scale bars are 10 microns (B) and 25 microns (A, C, and D). Original data for panel E is in S1 Data. DP, dorsal plexus; dpt, day post transection; GFP, green fluorescent protein.

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