Figure 2
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- ZDB-FIG-230223-3
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- Liu et al., 2023 - Renal interstitial cells promote nephron regeneration by secreting prostaglandin E2
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(A) Localization of Tg(fabp10a:GFP) labeled-RICs in 6.8 mm stage juvenile zebrafish. Tg(cdh17:DsRed) labeled renal tubules (arrowheads, new mesonephric branches; n = 6). (B, C) In adult zebrafish kidney, Tg(fabp10a:GFP) marks RICs (n = 3), while Tg(cdh17:DsRed) labels CD and also renal capsule (RC). Tg(fabp10a:GFP) cells form a network to tightly wrap kidney tubules (B) and capsules (C). CD, collecting duct; RC, renal capsule. (D) RT-PCR analysis of the expression of epoa and cox2a. ?-actin was used as a sample control. GFP+ indicates cells with only GFP fluorescence; control indicates all cells except GFP+/DsRed- cells. (E, F) col1a1b and col1a2 mRNA levels in Tg(fabp10a:GFP)-labeled GFP+/DsRed- cells were quantified by qPCR. Both were significantly increased at 5 dpi (n = 3). Both genes were normalized to the mean expression level at 0 dpi, which was set to 1. **p<0.01 by one-way ANOVA. (G) Nile red staining section of Tg(fabp10a:GFP) zebrafish kidney showing that Tg(fabp10a:GFP)-labeled cells contained plentiful lipid droplets. (H) Higher-magnification image of the boxed area showed in (G) (arrowheads, lipid droplets). n = 3. Scale bar in (A?C), 100 ?m; (G, H), 20 ?m.