Figure 6
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- ZDB-FIG-230223-14
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- Liu et al., 2023 - Renal interstitial cells promote nephron regeneration by secreting prostaglandin E2
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(A?C) lhx1a mRNA levels were assessed by RT-PCR at 7 dpi. ?-actin was used as a sample control. (D?K) lhx1a whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) showing the trunk kidney region at 7 dpi. XAV939 (F) could reduce the number of lhx1a + cell aggregates and dmPGE2 could rescue the influence of XAV939 treatment (G); ICRT 14 (H) or ICG-001 (J) could reduce the number of lhx1a+ cell aggregates and dmPGE2 could not rescue the influence of ICRT 14 (I) or ICG-001 (K) treatment. n = 5?7 in each condition. (L) lhx1a+ cell aggregates of whole kidney were calculated using ImageJ. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, ***p<0.001; ns, no significant difference. (M?V) Immunofluorescence staining of ?-catenin in Tg(lhx1a:DsRed) zebrafish kidneys at 5 dpi. (M, N) Zebrafish injected DMSO as a control group, and the amount of ?-catenin could be detected in lhx1a+ cell aggregates during renal progenitor cell (RPC) aggregation (M) or proliferation (N). (O) ?-catenin level in lhx1a+ cell aggregates of cox2a-/- was significantly less than the control group, and injection of dmPGE2 (P, Q) could rescue the influence of Cox2a deficiency. (R) ?-catenin level in lhx1a+ cell aggregates of wnt4a-/- was significantly less than the control group, and injection of dmPGE2 (S, T) could rescue the influence of Wnt4a deficiency. Injection of PKI (U) could reduce ?-catenin level in lhx1a+ cell aggregates, while injection of dmPGE2 (V) could not rescue the influence of PKI treatment. n = 3?6 in (M?V). Scale bar in (M?V), 50 ?m. (W) Bar chart depicting ?-catenin levels following acute kidney injury (AKI) (M?V). Fluorescent intensities per unit area were measured at the lhx1a+ RPC aggregates using ImageJ. ?-catenin levels of lhx1a+ RPCs during RPC aggregation normalized as 1. Ag, aggregation; Pr, proliferation. n = 3?6 in each condition. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, ***p<0.001; ns, no significant difference.