Altered glucose and insulin related gene expression in akr1a1a−/− zebrafish. A) Akr1a1a−/− larvae showed significantly increased whole‐body glucose at 5dpf. n = 8 clutches with 20 larvae. B) Blood glucose of akr1a1a−/− adults did not show any alteration in fasting state in both male and female. n = 6–15. C) In the postprandial state, akr1a1a−/− adults displayed higher blood glucose than akr1a1a+/+ adults in both male and female. n = 10–17. D) insa gene expression level showed no alteration in akr1a1a−/− larvae compared with akr1a1a+/+ larvae at 5 dpf; n = 5–6 clutches with 30 larvae. E,F) Both insra and insrb mRNA expression were down‐regulated in akr1a1a−/− larvae at 5dpf. n = 5–6 clutches with 30 larvae. G,H) insra mRNA expression showed a declining trend while insrb mRNA expression was down‐regulated significantly in akr1a1a−/− adult livers. n = 7–8. I) ACR was significantly increased in akr1a1a−/− larvae. n = 6–7 clutches with 50 larvae. J) ACR accumulated significantly in the liver of akr1a1a−/− adults, n = 5. K,L) Glyoxal and MG were unaltered in akr1a1a−/− larvae. n = 5–6 clutches with 50 larvae. M) AKR activity (ACR served as substrate) was significantly reduced in akr1a1a−/− larvae. n = 5–6 clutches with 50 larvae. N) Phosphorylated p70‐S6K(P‐p70‐S6K) was significantly decreased in the liver of akr1a1a−/− adults, n = 6. O) Pyruvic acid was significantly decreased in the liver of akr1a1a−/− adults, n = 5. P) PFK activity reduced significantly in the liver of akr1a1a−/− adults. For statistical analysis Student's t‐test was applied. *p < 0.05. **p < 0.01. ***p < 0.001. NS, not significant.