Gata3 function is required during early palatogenesis.(A) Embryo carrying the hsp:GATA3-EGFP transgene heat shocked at 48–49 hpf and imaged at 52 hpf expressing human GATA3 in every cell. (B) Flat mount of a cartilage stained 4 dpf hsp:GATA3-EGFP;gata3+/+ embryo that was heat shocked at 24 hpf with no resulting visible malformations. (C) Flat mount of a cartilage stained 4 dpf neurocranium carrying hsp:GATA3-EGFP;gata3au42/au42. The mutant embryo was heat shocked at 24 hpf and resulted in a substantial rescue of the trabeculae phenotype. (D) Graph depicting quantification of mutant gata3au42 phenotype scores at different heat shock time points. Trabeculae phenotype is rescued significantly by hsp:GATA3-EGFP at 24–26 hpf and also at 30 hpf. A one-way ANOVA was performed followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test, gata3au42/au42 control was compared to all other conditions.