Transcriptional changes of erythropoiesis markers. Whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH) at 28 hpf of c-myb (A,B), gata1 (C,D); VE-cadherin (E,F) in wild type (WT) and Tg BCR-ABL1 fish, respectively. The experiments were performed in duplicate; numbers in each panel represent total embryos used for the experiment and embryos with the result shown in the image. Red arrow in (D) indicate the downregulated expression level of gata1 in caudal plexus in Tg BCR-ABL1 fish; (F) single black asterisk indicate the downregulated expression level of VE-cadherin in caudal plexus in Tg BCR-ABL1 fish; double black asterisks indicate the not well-formed nascent vessels in Tg BCR-ABL1 fish.