Figure 9
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- ZDB-FIG-210119-33
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- Ohta et al., 2020 - Emx2 regulates hair cell rearrangement but not positional identity within neuromasts
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(A) Frequencies of Roll and No Roll of nascent hair cell (HC) pairs in control (vangl2m209/+; emx2gfp/+) and mutant (vangl2m209/m209; emx2gfp/+) larvae. Significance was assessed by using chi-squared test with a 2 × 2 contingency table (X2[(df = 1)]=6.1774, p<0.013, source data 1). (B–D) Duration of Rock (B), Roll (C), and Rock and Roll (D) of sibling HCs that underwent Rock and Roll in control (n = 28 from seven larvae) and vangl2m209/m209; emx2gfp/+ (n = 19 from seven larvae) larvae. Significance was assessed by using Student's t-test (*p<0.05, **p<0.001, source data 2). The error bars represent SEM. (E) Time-lapse images of a HC pair in trilobite (vangl2m209/m209); emx2gfp/+ mutant, which undergoes a prolong Roll phase from 78 to 246 min with several rolls (first roll: 78–96 min, second roll: 102–120 min, third partial roll: 138–162 min) and resulted in the emx2:Gfp-positive HC located to the posterior. The following figure supplement, source data, and video are available for Figure 9—figure supplement 1. Formation of apical protrusion in nascent HCs of trilobite. |
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Stage: | Long-pec |