Figure 7

(A) Nascent sibling HCs in myo6b:Yfp-tubulin; emx2:Gfp larvae were treated with nocodazole for 90 min immediately after the HC precursor was observed to divide under live-imaging (0 min). After nocodazole removal, the nascent HC pair started to roll and they exchanged positions (96–174 min). The HC located at the anterior (pink dot) showed stronger Gfp signal due to the presence of emx2:Gfp and Yfp-tubulin alleles (222–282 min, arrowheads) than the emx2:Gfp-negative HC at the posterior (blue dot), which only expresses Yfp-tubulin. (B) Nascent HCs were treated with nocodazole for 150 min after HC precursor divided (0–150 min). After nocodazole removal, HCs failed to exchange their positions (156–312 min), which resulted in the mislocation of the emx2:Gfp-positive HC to the posterior (arrowheads, 618–882 min, pink dots).

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Stage: Long-pec

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