Two waves of Wnt reporter expression.Dorsal views of a Tg(sox10:h2a-tdEosFP;wnt-rep) embryo highlighting (A-E) h2a-tdEosFP-positive NC cells and (A’-E’) Wnt reporter expression (white) in h2a-tdEosFP-positive NC cells (blue) showing colocalized Wnt reporter with nuclei from sox10-positive NC cells. At 13–14 hpf, 2°NC cells in the medial region (magenta circles, A-B) express Wnt-rep (A’-B’) at higher levels than 1°NC cells. This Wnt-rep expression is transient and followed by a reduction at 15 hpf (C’). At 18–21 hpf, 2°NC cells develop into bilateral clusters at the level of the diencephalon and mesencephalon (magenta circles, D-E). These cells express high levels of Wnt-rep (D-E’). Orientation: anterior left. (F) Mean total intensity (expressed in arbitrary unit, AU) profile of Wnt reporter expression in sox10-NC cells during 10–33 hpf shows 1st and 2nd wave of Wnt activity. (G) 2°NC cells (green) express Wnt reporter (magenta) prior to and during migration into the distal side of the eye (arrows). Orientation: anterior left, dorsal up; Scale bars: 50 μm.