Fig. 4
WISH distribution analysis of zic3 in peli1bknockdown embryos at 14?hpf. Lateral view of zebrafishembryos (A–C). Anterior view (D–F). Posterior view (G–I). WT embryos (A, D, & G), 5′ mismatch controls (B, E, & H), and peli1b morphants injected with 10?ng morpholino at the 1-cell stage (C, F, & I). Red arrowheads show zic3expression and intensity in WT, 5′ mismatch, and peli1bmorphants. (n?=?3). Abbreviations: pd- posterior diencephalon, dsc- dorsal spinal cord, dnp- dorsal neural plate, hb- hindbrain, mb- midbrain, dpnp-dorsal posterior neural plate, sp-segmental plate. Scale bar- 50?μm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) |
Gene: | |
Fish: | |
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Anatomical Terms: | |
Stage: | 10-13 somites |
Fish: | |
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Stage: | 10-13 somites |
Reprinted from Gene, 694, Kumar, A., Anuppalle, M., Maddirevula, S., Huh, T.L., Choe, J., Rhee, M., Peli1b governs the brain patterning via ERK signaling pathways in zebrafish embryos, 1-6, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Gene