Fig. 7
The defect in neutrophil basal migration in moonshine mutants is cell-autonomous. 4D tracking of wild-type (WT) GFP-positive (green tracks) and mutant DsRed-positive (red tracks) neutrophil mobility within interstitial tissues during 3?h of parallel confocal imaging of one wild-type (A) and one mutant (Mut) (C) parabiotic embryos (fused at the level of the trunk) at 48?hpf shows a significantly diminished mobility (average speed; error bars show meanąs.e.m.) of the mutant cells both in the wild-type (B) and in the mutant (D) parabionts, whereas the migration of wild-type neutrophils is not affected in the mutant parabiont (D), together indicating that the mutant neutrophil phenotype is cell autonomous. ***P<0.001. See also Movie 9. |