Loss of function of def affects sympathetic neuronal development in zebrafish. (a?j) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for HuC (a and b), sox10 (c and d), phox2b (e and f), th (g and h) and d?h (i and j) in def?/? mutant and sibling fish at the indicated genotypes and time points. (k?m) SCG signal intensity indicated by th (g and h), d?h (i and j) or EGFP (n?q) in fish of different def backgrounds was calculated. Horizontal bars indicate the meansąs.d., which were compared with the two-tailed unpaired t-test. ***P<0.001; ****P<0.0001. (n?q) Schematic (n) and representative images (o?q) of SCG (arrows) development at 5 dpf in TgEGFP transgenic line with wild-type def (TgEGFP), def+/? (def+/?;TgEGFP) or def?/? (def?/?; TgEGFP) background. DA, diencephalic dopaminergic neurons; dpf, days post fertilization; LC, locus coeruleus; ns, not significant; R, retina; SCG, superior cervical ganglion.