Fig. 5

Alvarado et al., 2016 - Wdr68 Mediates Dorsal and Ventral Patterning Events for Craniofacial Development
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Fig. 5

ISL treatment partially rescues M cartilage and edn1 expression in wdr68hi3812/hi3812 zebrafish.

(A-D) Flatmounts of 5dpf ventral cartilages of Alcian stained zebrafish raised at 32°C and treated with DMSO or 5?M ISL starting at the 14- to 15-somites stage. A) Wildtype zebrafish treated with DMSO control. Red arrow indicate M. B) wdr68hi3812/hi3812 mutants treated with DMSO control show a lack of M cartilage. C) Wildtype zebrafish treated with 5?M ISL show normal craniofacial cartilage formation. D) wdr68hi3812/hi3812 mutants treated with 5?M ISL show a partial rescue of M. E) Fraction of mutant embryos with partial M is significantly greater in the ISL treated group (p<0.006). (F-I) Dorsal views of edn1 ISH analysis on 20-somites stage embryos treated with DMSO or 5?M ISL starting at the 14- to 15-somites stage. F) Wildtype embryos treated with DMSO control. G) wdr68hi3812/hi3812 mutants treated with DMSO control show lack of edn1 expression. H) Wildtype embryos treated with ISL show similar expression compared to wild type. I) wdr68hi3812/hi3812 mutants treated with ISL are indistinguishable from that of wildtype.

Expression Data
Anatomical Term:
Stage: 20-25 somites

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: 20-25 somites to Day 5

Phenotype Detail
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