Fig. 4

Thambyrajah et al., 2016 - A gene trap transposon eliminates haematopoietic expression of zebrafish Gfi1aa, but does not interfere with haematopoiesis
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Fig. 4

Gfi1aa expression in haemogenic endothelial cells is induced downstream of VegfA and Notch signaling, but independent of Runx1. Fixed qmc551;gata1:dsRed double transgenic embryos after GFP/dsRed immunohistochemistry are shown in (A, D-E, I). Fixed wt, qmc551 and qmc551;gata1:dsRed double transgenic embryos stained by WISH are shown in (B-C, H, K), (L) and (J), respectively. Live qmc551 embryos that were wt, heterozygous or homozygous mib carriers were imaged in (F-G). Confocal images of optical sagittal sections through the DA are 1.6 and 0.995 µm (A), 6.5 and 6.6 µm (D), 1.2 µm (E) and 2.7 µm (I) thick. A confocal maximum intensity projection of a 37 µm optical slice is shown in (G). Embryos were treated with DMSO, the VegfR inhibitors 676,475 (A) and SU5416 (B,C) or DAPM (D) from tailbud stage (10 hpf). Rbpja/b (E) and runx1 (I-L) morpholinos were injected at 2?4 cell stage. PrRBCs, HECs and inner ear hair cells are labeled with red, green and yellow arrows, respectively. Arrowheads mark reduced or absent staining. Fractions x/y give the number of embryos, x, with depicted phenotype out of all embryos analyzed, y. Embryos are shown with anterior left and dorsal up.

Expression Data
Knockdown Reagents:
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: Prim-5 to Prim-25

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Knockdown Reagents:
Observed In:
Stage Range: Prim-5 to Prim-25

Phenotype Detail
This image is the copyrighted work of the attributed author or publisher, and ZFIN has permission only to display this image to its users. Additional permissions should be obtained from the applicable author or publisher of the image.

Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 417(1), Thambyrajah, R., Ucanok, D., Jalali, M., Hough, Y., Wilkinson, R.N., McMahon, K., Moore, C., Gering, M., A gene trap transposon eliminates haematopoietic expression of zebrafish Gfi1aa, but does not interfere with haematopoiesis, 25-39, Copyright (2016) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.