spt and ntl are required together for trunk and tail mesoderm development. (A-D) Live wild-type and mutant embryos at 24 hpf. Embryos doubly homozygous for spt and ntl mutations (D) have more severe posterior mesodermal deficiencies than ntl? (B) and spt? (C) embryos. Anterior development appears unperturbed. (E-H) Tranverse sections through trunk regions of wild-type (E) and mutant embryos (F-H) at 30 hpf show that (F) ntl? embryos lack a differentiated notochord, (G) spt? embryos have reduced muscle tissue, and (H) spt?;ntl? embryos lack all recognizable mesoderm, having only a spinal cord covered by skin. sc, spinal cord; no, notochord; sm, somitic muscle; *, pronephric tubule. Scale bars, 250 μm (A), 25 μm (E).