Fig. 3
prdm14 expression is reduced in slg mutant and splmo morphant embryos. (A) The zebrafish prdm14 genomic locus. The transposon is inserted in the first intron. Primers used in C and D are indicated. (B,C) RNA in situ hybridization (B, arrowheads) and RT-PCR (C) indicate that prdm14 expression is greatly reduced in slg mutant embryos. ODC, ornithine decarboxylase 1 internal standard. (D) prdm14 splicing is disrupted in splmo morphants. (E) Real-time RT-PCR results indicate that prdm14 expression is reduced to ~75% in slg heterozygotes and to ~20% in homozygotes. Error bars indicate s.e.m. of triplicate experiments. (F) Immunoprecipitation (IP) showing that Prdm14 protein levels are greatly decreased in slg homozygotes and splmo morphants. Scale bar: 500 μm. |