Osteoblast stage markers are unaffected in ihha mutants. Confocal projections showing expression of osteoblast markers at 3 and 5 dpf by whole-mount fluorescent in situ hybridization. Wild-type expression is shown in the main panels and ihha mutant expression is shown in the insets. Images are lateral views with dorsal upwards and anterior towards the left. (A,B) At 3 dpf, runx2a/b expression surrounds and overlaps ventral sp7 expression in the Op, and is unchanged in ihha mutants. (C) col10a1 is expressed in the dorsal Op at 3 dpf and is unchanged in ihha mutants. (D,E) At 5 dpf, runx2a/b expression colocalizes with sp7 along the vp edge and is also apparent ventral to the vp edge in non-sp7-expressing cells. Expression is similar in ihha mutants. (F) At 5 dpf, col10a1 is expressed at high levels throughout the Op. The domains of these markers appear slightly reduced at 5 dpf, matching the reduction in Op size. Scale bar: 50 μm.