ihha is required for proper Op morphogenesis. Confocal projections and morphometric analysis of the Alizarin Red-stained Op in live wild-type and ihha mutant zebrafish larvae expressing sp7:EGFP (C-H). Images are lateral views with dorsal upwards and anterior towards the left. (A,B) The Op is mis-shapen and reduced in dorsoventral length in ihha mutants. (C,D) The ihha mutant Op has wild-type morphology at 3 dpf. (E-H) The ihha mutant Op is malformed at 5 and 8 dpf. (I) Average configuration of landmarks from morphometric analysis of the Op for n=23 wild type (blue) and n=22 ihha mutants (red) shows shape differences anterior and ventral to the v apex. The centroid size of the Op calculated from the same set of data is significantly smaller in ihha mutants (one-way ANOVA mean±s.e.m.: wild type=0.198±0.00544; ihha=0.181±0.00532, P=0.0293). j, joint apex; p, posterior apex; v, ventral apex; jp, edge connecting j and p; vj, edge connecting v and j; vp, edge connecting v and p. Scale bars: 50 μm.