Fig. 4
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- ZDB-FIG-120517-4
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- Gongal et al., 2011 - Hmx4 regulates Sonic hedgehog signaling through control of retinoic acid synthesis during forebrain patterning
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hmx4 morphants have disrupted RA metabolism gene expression. aldh1a2 is reduced in the paraxial mesoderm of hmx4 morphants at 90% epiboly (A), and in the somites (B) and dorsal optic vesicle (C) at 18 hpf. (D) qPCR showing the significantly reduced levels of aldh1a2 transcription in hmx4 morphants (see text for statistical tests), with the levels in wild type embryos set to 1. Error bars indicate standard deviation. (E) cyp26a1 is mildly expanded towards the posterior in hmx4 morphants, and abolished in the presumptive hindbrain domain (bracket). In hmx4 morphants, the r6-7 domain of cyp26b1 is abolished (F), while the r3-r4 domain of cyp26c1 is not affected (G). |
Genes: | |
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Knockdown Reagents: | |
Anatomical Terms: | (all 10) |
Stage Range: | 90%-epiboly to 14-19 somites |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 355(1), Gongal, P.A., March, L.D., Holly, V.L., Pillay, L.M., Berry-Wynne, K.M., Kagechika, H., and Waskiewicz, A.J., Hmx4 regulates Sonic hedgehog signaling through control of retinoic acid synthesis during forebrain patterning, 55-64, Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.