Zebrafish angiotensin II type 2 receptor (agtr2) is expressed in vascular endothelial cells during early embryonic development as analyzed by in situ hybridization. A-C: Dorsal view, anterior to the left. D-G: Lateral view, anterior to the left. A-G: A flat-mounted 15-somite embryo (A), 18-somite (B), 22-somite (C,D), 24 hours postfertilization (hpf; E,F); 36 hpf stage whole-mount embryos (G). F,G: Enlarged views of the tail region. Note agtr2 expression in bilateral endothelial cell precursors (arrowheads, A) and in the axial vessels (arrows, A-C). D: Agtr2 expression is limited mostly to the dorsal aorta (da). E,F: Agtr2 is expressed in the dorsal aorta, head (hv), and intersegmental vessels (isv) and the cardinal vein (cv). G: Agtr2 expression is mostly confined to the cardinal vein plexus.