
Vitamin D3 Regulates Energy Homeostasis under Short-Term Fasting Condition in Zebrafish (Danio Rerio)

Du, Q., Shao, R., Wang, W., Zhang, H., Liao, X., Wang, Z., Yin, Z., Ai, Q., Mai, K., Tang, X., Wan, M.
Full text @ Nutrients

Short-term fasting influences glucose and lipid metabolism in zebrafish. WT zebrafish at 3 mpf were fasted for 0 h to 80 h after the last feeding. (A,B) The serum glucose levels (A) and total lipid contents in the whole fish (B) were evaluated (n = 3 replicates, 3 fish/replicate). (CF) Relative expression levels of glycolysis-related genes (gck and pklr) (C), gluconeogenesis-related genes (pck1 and fbp1a) (D), lipolysis-related genes (ppara and pgc1a) (E), and lipogenesis-related genes (pparg and fasn) (F) in the liver were determined (n ≥ 4/group). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, ns: no statistical significance.

1,25(OH)2D3 generation in zebrafish was impaired under short-term fasting condition. (AC). The gene expression of cyp2r1 (A), cyp27b1 (B) and cyp24a1 (C) in zebrafish liver was assessed after fasting for 24 h or 48 h, compared to the control group (1 h postprandial) (n = 4/group). (D) The serum 1,25(OH)2D3 concentrations were determined (n = 3 replicates, 4~5 fish/replicate). (E,F) Gene expression levels of vdra (E) and vdrb (F) in the liver (n = 4/group). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, ns: no statistical significance.

VD regulates glucose metabolism in zebrafish under short-term fasting conditions. (AC) After the feeding trial, zebrafish fed with VD3 or non-VD3 diet were fasted for 24 h before sampling. The gene expression of insra, insrb, gcgra, gcgrb (A) and gck, pklr, pck1, fbp1a (B) in the liver was measured (n = 4/group). Serum glucose levels were determined (C) (n = 3~4 replicates, 4~5 fish/replicate). (DF) WT and cyp2r1−/− zebrafish at 3 mpf were fasted for 24 h before sampling. The gene expression of insra, insrb, gcgra, gcgrb (D) and gck, pck1 (E) in the liver was analyzed (n = 4/genotype). Serum glucose levels were determined (F) (n = 4 replicates, 3 fish/replicate). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, ns: no statistical significance.

VD regulates lipid metabolism in zebrafish under short-term fasting conditions. (AC) After the last feeding, zebrafish fed with VD3 or non-VD3 diet were fasted for 24 h before sampling. The gene expression of ppara, pgc1a, pparg, fasn (A) (n = 4/group), and FFA absorption-related genes cd36, slc27a2a (B) (n = 5/group) in the liver were determined. The gene expressions of ppara, pgc1a, fasn in the dorsal muscle were analyzed (C) (n = 6/group). (DF) WT and cyp2r1−/− zebrafish at 3 mpf were fasted for 24 h before sampling. The gene expressions of ppara, pgc1a, pparg, fasn (D) (n = 4/genotype), and cd36, slc27a2a (E) (n = 4/genotype) in the liver were determined. The gene expressions of ppara, pgc1a, fasn in the dorsal muscle were determined (F) (n = 4/genotype). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, ns: no statistical significance.

VD3 promotes the synthesis and processing of GLP-1 in the gut under short-term fasting conditions. (AD) Zebrafish were fed with or without VD3 for a month and fasted for 24 h. The gene expression of gip, gipr, pyya, pyyb, sglt (A) and gcga, gcgb, pcsk1, pcsk2 (B) in the gut was analyzed (n = 4/group). GLP-1 levels in the serum (C) and the intestine (D) were measured (n = 3 replicates, 4~5 fish/replicate). (EH) WT and cyp2r1−/− zebrafish at 3 mpf fasted for 24 h. The gene expression of gip, gipr, pyya, pyyb, sglt (E), and gcga, gcgb, pcsk1, pcsk2 (F) in the intestine was analyzed (n = 5/genotype). GLP-1 levels in the serum (G) (n = 4 replicates, 3 fish/replicate) and the intestine (H) (n = 3/ genotype) were measured. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, ns: no statistical significance.

Interaction between VD3 and gut microbiota under short-term fasting conditions. (AF) Zebrafish were treated with an antibiotic cocktail (Abx) while fed a VD3 or non-VD3 diet for one month. The serum glucose levels (A) and serum GLP-1 levels (B) were assayed (n = 3 replicates, 4~5 fish/replicate). The expression levels of gcga (C), gcgb (D), pcsk1 (E) and pcsk2 (F) in the intestine were analyzed (n = 4/group). (G) GF zebrafish at 3 dpf were incubated with NaA, NaP, or NaB (30 mM) for two days. The gene expression of pcsk1 was determined (n = 5 replicates, 10 larvae/replicate). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001, # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01, ### p < 0.001, ns: no statistical significance.

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