Fig 4

Madelaine et al., 2020 - Genetic deciphering of the antagonistic activities of the melanin-concentrating hormone and melanocortin pathways in skin pigmentation
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Fig 4

MCH-dependent melanosome contraction relies on Mchr2 activity.

(A-D) Dorsal melanocytes of control (A), mchr2 homozygous mutant (B), mchr2 homozygous mutant; Tg(hs:mch1) (C) or mchr2 homozygous mutant; Tg(hs:mch2) (D) black adapted larvae at 7 dpf following heat-shock. (E) Melanosome coverage was quantified in control, mchr2 homozygous mutant, mchr2 homozygous mutant; Tg(hs:mch1) or mchr2 homozygous mutant; Tg(hs:mch2) larvae at 7 dpf. Dorsal view with anterior up. Error bars represent s.d. *P<0.05, **P<0.001, ***P<0.0005, determined by t-test, two-tailed.

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