Farre et al., 2023 - Long wavelength-sensing cones of zebrafish retina exhibit multiple layers of transcriptional heterogeneity
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Expression of nr2f2 and nrip1a in larval zebrafish. (A–H)nrip1a. (I–P)nr2f2. (A–D,I–L) Projections of representative whole, imaged eyes. (E–F’,M–N’) Single z slices obtained from the same preparations. Note reduced expression domain of lws2 (cyan), and expanded expression domains of lws1 (magenta) in T3-treated (B,D,J,L) vs. controls (A,C,I,K); the nrip1a (yellow, A–D) expression domain did not appear to change; the nr2f2 (yellow, I–L) expression domain did not appear to change, however, there appears to be slightly greater expression in the dorsal portion of the retina (E,F) All imaging channels merged. (E’,F’)nrip1a(M,N) All imaging channels merged. (M’,N’)nr2f2(G) qPCR quantification of nrip1a transcript abundance in pooled samples of whole larvae, n = 5 biological replicates per condition, p = 0.476. (H) 3D fluorescence intensity quantification for nrip1a, n = 5 embryos (DMSO), 3 (T3), sample size too small for Mann–Whitney test. (O) qPCR quantification of nr2f2 transcript abundance in pooled samples of whole larvae, n = 5 biological replicates per condition, p = 0.00152 (P) 3D fluorescence intensity quantification of nr2f2, n = 3 embryos per condition, p = 0.014 (t-test). D, dorsal, T, temporal. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; n.s., not significant.

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