Fig. 4

Oliveira et al., 2022 - Mutant IL7R collaborates with MYC to induce T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
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Fig. 4

Myc + IL7Rmut induced leukemias display IL-7R-mediated signaling upregulation and are polyclonal.

a Heatmap representation showing expression of well-known T- and B-cell associated genes, as well as common STAT5 target genes (adj. P < 0.05). b Transcriptome data integration and gene set enrichment analysis show a significant enrichment of the IL-2/STAT5 signaling hallmark gene set in Myc + IL7Rmut derived leukemias when compared with Myc derived leukemias. c TCR-β gene rearrangements in Myc + IL7Rmut vs Myc derived T-ALLs. Shown as dotplots and boxplots are the number of clonotypes of the TRB locus and the equitability value per sample, both based on productive rearrangements.

Expression Data

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