Figure 5—figure supplement 2.

Cryo-EM image processing of the TRPC4- CaM complex.

(A) The top left panels show a representative digital micrograph area and selected class averages of the TRPC4-CaM complex. Scale bars, 50 nm and 10 nm, respectively. The initial refinement densities obtained without symmetry (red) and with C4 symmetry (blue) are shown in the top right panel. The middle panel shows densities of different subclasses obtained with 3-D classification after symmetry expansion. Four subclasses were selected, rotated as indicated and used for the final refinement after removal of duplicates. (B) Angular distribution of particles used in the final refinement and Fourier shell correlation curves (FSC) between the two independently refined maps. The dotted lines indicate the 0.143 FSC criterion used for average resolution estimation.

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