- Title
Isolation of the zebrafish homologues for the tie-1 and tie-2 endothelium-specific receptor tyrosine kinases
- Authors
- Lyons, M.S., Bell, B., Stainier, D., and Peters, K.G.
- Source
- Full text @ Dev. Dyn.
Z tie-1 and Z tie-2 expression in tail endothelium. Whole mount in situ hybridization of embryos at 24HPFhybridized with probes forZ flk-1 (A,B), Z tie-1 (C,D), and Z tie-2 (E,F). B,D,F: Higher magnification views of the corresponding boxes on A,C,E, respectively. Dorsal aorta, arrows; cardinal vein, arrowheads; intersegmental vessels, open arrows. Note a marked absence of intersegmental vessel staining in Z tie-2 embryos. Original magnification: A,C,E, x 60; B,D,F, x 300. EXPRESSION / LABELING:
Z tie-2 expression in head endothelium. Whole mount preparations of in situ hybridizations of embryos 24 HPF (A-D). A-C: Z tie-2. D: Z flk included for comparison. Paired venous return, large arrowheads; aortic arches, small arrowheads; paired anterior cardinal vein, open arrows; paired dorsal aorta, dark arrows. Original magnification: A, x60; B, x600; C, x900; D, x200. EXPRESSION / LABELING:
Expression of Z tie-1 and Z tie-2 in tissue sections. In situ hybridization of embryo sections at 24 HPF (A–D). A,B: Z tie-2. C,D: Z tie-1. A,C: Marked expression in the endocardium of the heart. B,D: Expression in the endothelium of the dorsal aorta (arrows) and cardinal vein (arrowheads). Notochord (n), heart (h), and yolk (y) are noted. Original magnification: A,C, x900; B,D, x600. EXPRESSION / LABELING: