Fig. 4
The lnx2aΔ329 mutant recapitulates the morphant phenotype. (A) Sequence of the lnx2aΔ329 mutation (Fig. 3A). The lowercase sequence in the mutant indicates that it is in intron 2, with lnx2aΔ329 having lost the exon 2 splice donor site. (B and C) Genotyping of lnx2aΔ329 by genomic PCR (Δ329), RT-PCR (Δ510 equaling exon 2) (B), and by Western blotting of embryo extracts showing the presence of N-truncated protein (C). (D) Phenotypic analysis of lnx2aΔ329 mutants at 48 hpf. (Scale bar: 50 µm.) (E) The quantification of pancreatic defects by analysis of ptf1a expression, classified as in Fig. 2D. Development of the exocrine pancreas is specifically suppressed in lnx2aΔ329.