Fig. 6
Fig. 6 Retinoic acid, but not Notch, regulates her9 and tbx1 expression in the inner ear. (A-F) Expression of her9 (A,C), tbx1 (B,D) and atoh1a (E,F) at 24 hpf in control (DMSO) and Notch-inhibited (DAPT-treated) zebrafish embryos. (G-R) Expression of her9 (G,K,O), tbx1 (H,L,P), neurog1 (I,M,Q) and neurod (J,N,R) at 24 hpf in embryos treated with DMSO (G-J), the retinaldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor DEAB (K-N) or retinoic acid (RA) (O-R) from 10.5 hpf. The shift of the boundary of the neurogenic and non-neurogenic compartments is depicted by the white line in each otic vesicle. A-F and G-R are at the same magnification.