esrp1 and esrp2 are required for morphogenesis of epithelial-derived tissue: otoliths, pharyngeal teeth and pectoral fins.A zebrafish otoliths indicated by white arrows at 72 hpf. B Quantification and t-test of zebrafish otoliths from genotyped mutants characterized as separate or fused otoliths. t-test, n = 75. C Alcian blue representation of a 6 dpf zebrafish wildtype and esrp1−/− esrp2−/− double mutant showing cartilage stain, yellow line shows the measurement of the distance between the midline of Meckel’s and ceratohyal cartilages. D quantification and t-test analysis of this measurement in wildtype (n = 11) and esrp1−/−; esrp2 −/− mutants (n = 14). E Alcian blue and Alizarin red staining of larvae at 7 dpf ventral view, the pharyngeal teeth are present in wildtype (white arrows). In contrast, the esrp1−/−; esrp2−/− all exhibit decreased number of teeth, and occasionally some double mutants lack all ceratobranchial cartilages and the pharyngeal teeth are absent. F wildtype and esrp1−/− esrp2−/− mutant pectoral fins labeled with sox10 mCherry (red) and krt4 gfp (green).