tg(mbp:RFP) zebrafish reporter line injected with lrrk2 MO for 120 h exhibited a reduction of Mbp signal and Ngf levels. (a) 3D reconstruction of Z-stack confocal acquisition of tg(mbp:RFP) reporter line injected with std or lrrk2 MO for 120 h. std MO: (a’) Z = 90 mm, (a’’) Z = 80 mm and (a’’’) Z = 80 mm; Lrrk2 MO: (a’) Z = 160 mm, (a’’) Z = 60 mm and (a’’’) Z = 90 mm. Scale bar 10 µm. The asterisk indicates the eye of the zebrafish embryo. (b) Zebrafish embryos injected with std or lrrk2 MO for 120 h were subjected to immunoblotting using Lrrk2, Ngf and Gapdh antibodies. (c) Quantification of Ngf is normalized on Gapdh expression. Data are representative of three independent pools of fifty embryos. Data were analyzed using unpaired t-test, * p = 0.0111.