MLL expression colocalized with mpx, spi1b, and mpeg expression on the yolk of lyz:MLL-ENL injected embryos at 48 and 72 hpf. Expression of lyz, mpx, spi1b, and mpeg in control (A,C,E,G) and lyz:MLL-ENL injected (B,D,F,H) embryos at 48 hpf. Black arrows indicate expression in the CHT, arrowheads indicate expression on the yolk (A-H). The number of cells on the yolk expressing lyz, mpx, spi1b, and mpeg was assessed at 48 hpf (I, N = 10–46). MLL colocalization with lyz (0%), mpx (56.5% +/- 18.9%), spi1b (63.9% +/- 20.0%), and mpeg (71.4% +/- 16.1%) was determined at 48 hpf (J-M, N = 17–42) and with lyz (0%), mpx (61.8% +/- 19.7%), spi1b (80.7% +/- 14.7%), and mpeg (76.4% +/- 9.6%) at 72hpf (N-Q, N = 15–63). Blue, red, and purple bars indicate the percentage of cells stained on the yolk that were myeloid single positive (blue arrows), MLL single positive (red arrows), or myeloid marker/MLL double positive (purple arrows), respectively (J-Q). Statistical analysis was conducted using student’s t-test. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, NS = not significant. Anterior to the left.