Figure 2

Brenet et al., 2024 - Microglia Mitigate Neuronal Activation in a Zebrafish Model of Dravet Syndrome
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Figure 2

Microglia dynamics in scn1Lab-KD larvae. Confocal time-lapse analysis of microglia dynamics in the brains of 4 dpf not-injected Tg[mpeg1:mCherryF] control (A1,A2) and Tg[mpeg1:mCherryF]; scn1Lab-KD larvae (B1B4), and merged images of two-time points highlighting the increased move of microglia cell bodies in scn1Lab-KD larvae (C2) compared to that observed in WT controls during a 36-min period (C1) (0′: cyan, 36′: magenta, merge: white). Quantification of microglia cell body displacements (D) and mean displacement speed (E) over a 60-min period, in 4 dpf scn1Lab-KD larvae (N = 6; n = 55) and WT controls (N = 4; n = 46). (F) Microglial cell tracking over a 60-min period, in 4 dpf control (F1) and scn1Lab-KD (F2) larva brain. The scale bar is 20 µm in all images. N = number of larvae and n = number of microglial cells. All images were acquired with an SP8 Leica laser scanning confocal equipped with a 40×/water 1.1 objective. All data are represented as the mean ± sem. p-values were determined using the Mann–Whitney test. ****, p < 0.0001.

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