Omar et al., 2023 - Neuroprotective effects of Neurotrophin-3 in MPTP-induced zebrafish Parkinson's disease model
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The comparative image of dopaminergic neurons between MPTP and NT3 groups. The TH cell counts in the MPTP group were markedly reduced in the preoptic region (A), ventral thalamus (B) and posterior tuberculum (C), compared to the NT3 group. (D) TH cell counts in all dopaminergic regions of the zebrafish brain. TH cells were seen to improve in the counts especially in day 3 group. However, becomes equivocal on day 10 of assessment. Arrowheads indicate TH cells. Scale bar = 50 μm. OB: olfactory bulb; PR: periventricular pretectal nucleus; PVO: paraventricular organ of posterior tuberculum; TPp: periventricular nucleus of posterior tuberculum. # describes the significant difference between the MPTP and vehicle groups with #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01; * describes the statistically significant difference between the NT3 treatment group and its corresponding MPTP group with *p < 0.05, and **p < 0.01; α describes the significant difference between the NT3 group and the vehicle with α p < 0.05, αα p < 0.01; κ describes the significant difference between NT3.3, NT3.5 and NT3.5 with κ p < 0.05 and κκ p < 0.01.

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