Fig. 1

Hudson et al., 2021 - A complete Protocadherin-19 ectodomain model for evaluating epilepsy-causing mutations and potential protein interaction sites
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Fig. 1

Figure 1. Structural features of dr Pcdh19 EC3-6

(A) Ribbon diagram of dr Pcdh19 EC3-6 is shown with a backdrop of the protein’s molecular surface representation.

(B) A topology diagram represents the structural features of dr Pcdh19 EC3-6. β strands are drawn as arrows and labeled A through G. Helices are drawn as rectangles and labeled as α (α helix) or 310 (310 helix). Green and yellow circles are Ca2+ and Na+ ions, respectively.

(C and D) Details of linker regions with canonical (C) and non-canonical Ca2+-binding motifs (D) are shown. Residues referred to in the main text have yellow colored carbons.

(E) Na+ ion coordination within EC3.

(F) Details of a β bridge located in the β strand A of EC6. β strand A contains three segments labeled A′, A″, and A‴. Select residues have yellow colored carbon atoms to aid in visualization of the β bridge structure.

(G) Molecular surface representation of dr Pcdh19 EC3-6 with residues colored based on chemical properties: hydrophobic (white), polar (green), acidic (red), and basic (blue). Highly hydrophobic regions are highlighted by boxes with dashed outlines. In (A) and (C)–(E), Ca2+ (green) and Na+ (yellow) ions are shown as spheres, and stick representations are used for ion-coordinating side chains. The subscript “C” indicates only the backbone carbonyl for that residue is shown; the subscript “B” indicates the entire backbone is shown. See also Figures S1–S5.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Structure (London, England : 1993), 29(10), Hudson, J.D., Tamilselvan, E., Sotomayor, M., Cooper, S.R., A complete Protocadherin-19 ectodomain model for evaluating epilepsy-causing mutations and potential protein interaction sites, 1128-1143.e4, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Structure