Fig. 3

Niescierowicz et al., 2022 - Adar-mediated A-to-I editing is required for embryonic patterning and innate immune response regulation in zebrafish
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Fig. 3

Whole mount in situ hybridization detection of marker genes in Adar morpholino knockdown and adar mRNA overexpression. a?f pax6 expression demarcates anterior brain structures including dorsal retina (R), forebrain (FB) as well as hindbrain (HB) and anterior spinal cord. g?l tbx2b expression marking diencephalon (DE), R, epiphysis (EP), trigeminal ganglion (TG), and otic vesicle (OV). m?o expression of tbxta marks the notochord. p?r shhb expression indicates floor plate (FP) and midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB). The experiment was performed three times on embryos from three different mating pairs with similar results.

Expression Data
Knockdown Reagent:
Anatomical Terms:
Stage: Prim-5

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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