Rescue of mafbb−/− embryos by WT and MCTO mutant MAFB and alendronate. (A) WISH of ctsk expression at 3 dpf in WT uninjected embryos, WT embryos injected with human P59L mutant MAFB mRNA, HOM uninjected embryos, and HOM embryos injected with human WT or P59L mutant MAFB mRNA. (B) Quantification of the ctsk expression in A. (C) WISH of ctsk expression at 3 dpf in HOM uninjected embryos, HOM embryos injected with human WT, P63R or S70L MAFB mRNA. (D) Quantification of the ctsk expression in C. (E) WISH of ctsk expression at 3 dpf in untreated and alendronate (AL)-treated embryos. (F) Quantification of the ctsk expression at 3 dpf in E. (G) Fluorescent images of Tg(ctsk:mGFP) at 5 dpf in WT and HOM embryos (the ventral view of head). (H) Mean grey value of fluorescence intensity of the images in G (n = 5 zebrafish per group). (I) AB staining of cartilages at 5 dpf in untreated and AL-treated embryos. Arrows indicate the lower jaw protrudes. (J) Quantification of AB staining in I. N = 50–100 embryos per group for A–F and I–J. WT, wild type; HET, mafbbd11/+; HOM, mafbbd11/d11; AL, alendronate. Results in B, D, F, J and H are expressed as mean ± SEM, (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, t test, ns, not significant).